Richard Fenati
Post Commander - Army

Captain (CPT) Richard Fenati is in his 12th year of duty in the U.S. Army Reserves. He commanded at the section, and company level.  His military obligations included a tour, in command, in support of Operation Freedom's Sentinel in Bagram, Afghanistan.  He earned the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Meritorious Service Medal and Non-Article 5 NATO Medal.   

While in the Maryland Army National Guard, CPT Fenati deployed to Baltimore and earned the Maryland Emergency Service Ribbon.  He has also been awarded the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal; is a graduate of Army Mountain Warfare Course, Pathfinder Course and Air Assault Course.  CPT Fenati earned the German Armed Forced Proficiency Badge in Gold.

Mr. Fenati also has a civilian career, spanning over 25 years in commercial construction, commercial real estate development and is now an international airline pilot with a major US carrier. 

Comrade Fenati is a Life Member of the VFW.